English Mother's Day May 10, 2020

Sunday, May 10, 2020
©2020 by Shawn Jipp

Pat cooked us a nice meal of Greek meatloaf patties (using ground turkey), coleslaw, and cornbread.  Robyn gave her mom a detailed picture of two flamingos that she colored in using colored pencils.  I played her a Mother’s Day YouTube video that my friend Evelyn picked for her.  I also played a couple of recent Saturday Night Live short videos for her and Robyn featuring Brad Pitt and Alec Baldwin.

Robyn and I took dog for walk around driveway  loop.

Filled one propane bottle as it will get down to 32F (0C) tonight and we will have a few other cold nights in next few days.  If weather permits on Monday, we may take our car for a country drive south to the Tongue River.  At least the wind has stopped but it was mostly cloudy all day and threatening rain.  High temperature today was 49 F (9.4C).

Did one load of laundry using our R2D2 portable washing machine.  Managed to fit a pair of Levi’s, a pair of underwear, and a ski hat.  Filmed it with Marco Polo app. Clothes now drying overnight on clothes line.

Took 3 gallons from our 300 gallon rain collector tank which is at about 65% full. Rainwater now being used for wash water and drinking water.  I am adding a little bleach.  The water that will be used for drinking is additionally put through a PÚR filter.

Downloaded several offline browsers and tried configuring offline news reader apps for iPad.  Disappointed in how poorly most of these work in regards to offline usage.  Some of these user interfaces confusing.  Paid $5.99 for one and it doesn't even seem to work correctly.

For dinner I took a can of Progresso chicken pasta soup and added a can of salt free spinach and a can of salt free green beans. I also added a few spices.  It was just OK and we had Unsweetened applesauce cups, butter, bread, and crackers with it.

We watched the last two episides of the 2018 Star Wars animated Rebels series.

I could hear ‘The Hum’ again as wind noise stopped and is no longer masking it.  What is The Hum?  I’m glad you asked!  Look here:

I have heard this hum at night here when there are no bird noises, wind noise, or clatter of rain.  I don’t remember ever hearing it before, and definitely not in Las Vegas.  I assumed it was the gas heater for Pat’s cabin or the new neighbor leaving a small generator on at night.  It is neither.  The mystery continues…

Hoping weather will be better Monday and I can resolve the app issues.

English Isolated In Montana April 5, 2020

ISOLATED IN MONTANA ©2020 by Shawn Jipp Revision 1.2 “Life is full of turns and dips and unexpected monsters, some monsters so sm...